I Implemented A new inventory availability integration feature between a legacy ruby codebase, a Pheonix Elixir codebase and a new 3rd party api.


WE had a cron job running nightly to gather the up-to-date status of the warehouse locations, availability and quantity from a vendor, whose product we sold in our online store. The cron job updated ALL skus.

The vendor had implemented a new RESTful api

When a user was in a particular step of the ordering process we needed to check the availability of specific SKUS to ensure the information was correct as of the time of purchase.


  • I communicated with Multiple developers to determine strategy
  • implemented a ruby client on the admin side to make a request call to the Phoenix service on the front end with tests.
  • Implemented new routing, endpoint and handlers on the Phoenix side with tests
  • discovered appropriate vendor API request to make, attempting to be as transactional and performant as possible


  • our admin system (built on ruby 1.8.x)
  • our customer facing Phoenix/Elixir site
  • They share the database, but not in a meaningful way. There were a lot of hand built queries for custom work.
  • Western Power Sports RESTful api
sequenceDiagram participant ruby as Ruby admin legacy service participant el as Phoenix Application participant wps as Wester Power Sports API alt specific request ruby->>el: request an updated availability for a specific list of skus el->>wps: api request wps->>el: response with updated sku warehouse availability end alt NIGHTLY cron ruby->>wps: request availability of ALL skus wps->>ruby: response containing end


  • tickets not documented, and was primarily tribal knowledge and had to be discovered by conversation with multiple parties as questions arose.
  • The phoenix handlers were hundreds of lines long, with multiple async calls to WPS for all products, written by a cross-trained ruby dev.
  • Changed teams after getting part way through work, the new team lead was first time leading, had only been at the company for 6 months, had very little experience with Elixir.


On the ruby side (originating request)

  • I had to discover the effective calls for a filtered set of skus
  • updated to call internal api, which wasnt a common pattern as opposed to calling WPS directly
  • had to generate the routing on the elixir side to allow for the request to come through to the correct handler.
  • added tests.

On the Phoenix side:

  • differentiated long single cron job part of the work, protected from breaking it (brittle)
  • Broke up the handler, added some pipelining , with structures and function heads and to clarify and recompose for future business cases.
  • added tests and call for WPS endpoint with required data, and response structure.
  • turned 3 call response cycles to 1 call for filtered skus, reducing overhead since calls were triggered by a customer ordering, and working out shipping ad hoc.