Normally the domain of a sysadmin, We wanted to give a user control over their own browsing habits. They should be able to choose which sites and how much access those sites have.
Created a prototype tool allowing a user to black-list or limit their access at certain times. Useful for limiting problem internet habits or behaviors.
It consists of a golang authored binary running on a DD-WRT router which read and wrote dnsmasq logs and leases and a react client to allow a user to administer the rules for limiting their internet habits.
Technical Notes
- The administration service, built in React.js allows a user to manage devices and urls
- The go service, living on a DD-WRT enabled router, utilizes the date to create appropriate iptables rulesets.
- They are connected via firebase, acting as the datastore.
The idea here is that someone on your network says, “I’d like to use the Internet for a while.” and you, as their friend say, “Cool, I know you’ve done your work and have gotten lots of exercise today, so go ahead and use it for half an hour!”
Then you pull out your smartphone, navigate to a web address you have bookmarked (or possibly open an app), find your friend’s device in the list, and tap “grant permission.”
Your friend now has open access for that amount of time
Should your friend want more access after their time is up, they have to ask you again
It makes sure that you all understand how much time is being used and that they are spending their time wisely.